I am a self-taught artist and I am teaching myself how to use watercolors at the moment. I am also taking an online class of how to draw these 'dreamy dolls' (just at the beginning stage of that one so more to come later).
I think I am self-taught mainly because I am stubborn and impatient and fear I will lose my creativity if someone teaches me how to do something the 'right' way. Do any of you feel that way? But on the other hand I lack the basic knowledge of certain things like how to mix colors and what to use with what to make such and such flow nicely. I easily get frustrated and much of it is of my own making.
I have the desire to learn more but the lack of time right now I guess. I have heard that when you are 65 you can go to University for free ~ maybe I will go then:)
No, just kidding. I will learn and take classes when the opportunity presents itself.
I really enjoy some of the online classes because I can use what I am comfortable with and skip what I know I will not use (for example, if something is not my style)or go back to certain things and view the video tutorials over and over again until I get them right! They are wonderful tools and in this instance I am thankful for current technology that makes things like this available ~ as for the rest I will not admit anything further:)
Today's piece of art is called "Why worry?" I am trying to teach myself how to draw different emotions for the sake of expressing the emotions I went through in my depression and placing them with the scripture that I turned to during that time. Emotions are difficult to capture actually, I tend to make everything look really sad whenever I try to capture a particular emotion. I will research it further.
This was done on watercolor paper with watercolor crayons.
I Pray that your brand new week will be a very blessed one! See the sunshine for what it is, God's light shining over you!
Hugs and blessings Dear Friends.
i like your art, class or not...
I love learning new things and I adore on-line classes. :) I feel like they add to my creativity though cause my lack of knowledge limits me to explore other styles, techniques and media. That's just the kind of person I am. I like to see other people experimenting so I can pick up the tips without the mess. :)) Great journal page. You captured the sadness well.
Very pretty! I love the watercolor!
I love this dreamy lady! she has so much feeling, and the coloring is very pretty! i agree with you , art should make us free and give us joy,that is a reason why i never went to any art class! books are a great help when learning from other and online classes too, because you can work on your own pace, i love to see all the art videos by YouTube as well and i love to learn new techniques and apply then to my own art...art make us free,that is great isn´t it?..Huggies!
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