My mind has been consumed with healing art journaling and the journey I took to healing from depression and many other things. Many memories are coming forward allowing me to process them and get them out onto the page. This page came forward when I began to think about the emptiness, desperation and loneliness of depression. I felt like I was invisible, someone without meaning or purpose. I felt lost and useless. My friends saw who I was on the outside not realizing that the real me was trapped inside unable to get out.
This has given me a whole new perspective on depression and the people who suffer with and through it. So much desperation and pain... so very sad.
I am so thankful that God healed me of my depression and continues to heal me as I work through some of the remnant of lost emotions that went with that period of my life.
Many hugs and many blessings to all of you.
Hi Kelly,
This journal page is very descriptive of your mood!
I'm so glad you are over that depressive stage and shining through the other side now.
Good on you honey!
Creative hugs,
I love this art piece. It just goes to show what art can do for you. I really believe that art can heal. I to have suffered with depression on and off in my life. But I always know that it will get better. I remind myself when it comes creeping back that it is just visiting and not going to stay. Its temporary. It makes it a a lot easier.
Hi Kelly
Yes, indeed depression is a hard thing to deal with. I'm busy reading a book called 'care of the soul' by thomas moore and it speaks about the gift of depression - how we can learn so much about ourselves if we 'look' into the depression. Your journal page makes me think of this (as i interpret the page)- looking into instead of looking away from depression.
depression is a very difficult stage and i encourage you in your heallness, for me, the best was to start meditation and also yoga and art journaling
I am so glad both you and I were healed from depression. It is so hard. No one know who hasn't experienced.
Love to you,
Powerful message in this page Kelly. I am glad you have come through the depression
Lee :)
Oh Kelly, I am so glad you are better.....I love the way art heals whatever form of art that takes.....
This piece is deep and revealing......
I just want you to know I think you are one cool gal and I love reading your posts......
Hugs and blessings,
Hi Kelly! I have experienced much of what you've described during the darkest time in my own life. I have also learned that the way out is always through God. It really is a miracle isn't it? Somehow, he reaches into our darkness and isolation and cultivates seeds of hope and faith. He sends the right people at the right time. Every day, I take His hand knowing that as long as I hold onto it, He'll lead me into the light. Getting to know you has been a gift from Him. Hugs, Terri
This page is really great, Kelly ! It represent depression emotion very well. My eyes went right through the person in the eye. Hope you are doing good ! xoxoxo
Hi Kelly, I love the honesty of this page and I'm glad you're doing well. I'm also so glad you 'found' me & thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog. You are very inspiring as are your pages, much love Jenny
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