My dear friend Jo over at
Tanglefrost has awarded me with the Happiness 101 Award and I am so very honored by her! Not only do her fairie crowns make me drool they are so lovely but she is an amazingly kind inspirational woman and I have so enjoyed getting to know her. Thank you Jo for honoring me with this.
So I believe what I am supposed to do now is share with you my list of things that make me truly happy and content with my life (as she shared hers on her blog and I could possibly have many of the same, if not all the same answers as she put... but let me think and see what I can come up with;

So first and foremost God is my complete happiness and contentment in life! It is because He is such a loving, merciful God that I have what I have and that I am who I am! He fills me with peace when I am hurting, joy when sadness tries to overtake me, unexplainable love and sense of self worth (read Psalm 139, or John 3:16 to truly know what I am talking about) and He is so good to me by giving me understanding to help me with life's many questions. He answers my smallest prayers when I least expect it and in unexpected ways. He lets me know that He is always with me by revealing Himself in all His creation. He is an amazing wonderful awesome God and I am so privileged and deeply honored to serve Him.

Secondly, my husband ~ my gift from the Lord! He came into my life when I least was looking for it and he has been such a rock to me ever since. God has used him to give me strength, help me to grow, bring me closer to Him and to become one with him. He is my best friend and I am so happy to be his wife. He is a crown on my head!

Thirdly, my boys! I never thought I would be a boy mom, but God had other plans and I am so glad He did! God has made me 'a girly-girl' into a boy mom and I love it! I don't know what I would do with girls! They bring me immense happiness and joy and I have enjoyed each and every stage that they have grown in and out of!

Fourth, my art! Wow... if I were to describe my art and its meaning to me I would use the following words; healing, creative, fun, a true blessing, love. I receive so much from my art and I have grown in many ways since I began. I have always loved art (since I was physically able to hold a crayon) and have held a facination with all things pretty! Starting out I was a bit of a perfectionist and I discovered this very pleasingly when I won a coloring contest in grade 3. I remember it so vividly because it was between this very elegant japanese girl (whose art I loved) and myself... the very intimidating 6ft Mr. Sharp held the prize behind his back as he walked between our two desks and ever so slowly placed the giant chocolate egg on MY DESK!!!! That right there settled it! I would forever harbor a deep love for art in many forms, but especially coloring inside the lines! lol.

Fifth; Aaaaahhhhh books! I must say that my bookshelves are overflowing with their loveliness! I have been a HUGE fan of reading all my life but have a real LOVE for fiction books in particular. Just the thought that a book can whisk you away to another world brings me much happiness indeed! I have been known to read up to five books in one week!

Sixth; And I can say the same love has passed it's way over to movies! I especially love old black and white (or redone in color) movies such as My Fair Lady, Gigi, or pretty much any old musical. I am particularily fond of 'Chick-flicks' too such as Ever After, or Sweet Home Alabama, Never Been Kissed... I could go on and on and my DVD shelves show it!

Seven; Arizona makes me REALLY happy! I haven't been to all the States in the U.S. but from what I have seen I love Arizona the best. It seriously feels like my second home! I love it particularily because I do not hurt there like I hurt in Calgary! I am soothed by the heat and bathed by the sunshine and I am completely content ~ now can someone please remind me why I live in Calgary, Alberta???? LOL

Eight; TREES! Yep, trees make me HAPPY and content! I don't know why but they tend to show up alot in my art work. Trees speak of God's creation and love to me!
Now I'm spreading the love around and would like to pass this lovely award onto the following recipients;
Martha at
Art Du JourJo at
Tanglefrost I can't help it! She deserves it twice!
Rebecca at
Daisydolls Diana at
ExPress-OSuz over at
Katsui JewelryThank you again Jo for giving some blog love!
Hugs and happy creating!