When I scrapbook I love trying new things. At first I didn't want to cut my pictures, I wanted to follow all the rules for scrapbooking to a 'T'. Then I loosened up and realized that I don't have to be such a perfectionist. The more fun I made the pages the more my son Ben loved looking at them. The pages that were done formatted perfectly he just glanced at them and that was all the attention they deserved. Seeing this in Ben I started to really use my creativity to produce pages that he would look at over and over againg because that time is so precious to me and we share a passion for family pictures. When I was little I would pull out all the family albums about once per month and glance through them - I was the only one out of 5 that would even look at the pictures. Well it seems that Ben loves to do this too and now we share many moments together going through all the scrapbooks. I love this time, I cherish this time because I know that it will not last forever.
Have fun with your pictures, experiment, cut, distress, color, enjoy!
Happy Creating everyone!