Hello again lovelies! This week is a tremendous blessing to me because I am able to accomplish things that I haven't been able to in awhile! Yahooey:) I have been an experimental guinea pig for the past few months trying to find the right medication for me that will help with my Fibromyalgia/hypermobility of my joints and Celebrex is the winner! I have been on it before but stopped it because of misinformation in regards to using it long-term. I seriously do not care about being on this medication long-term, IT WORKS! I haven't felt this good in a long time and I am sticking with it! No more experimenting for me!
So, back to the Mood Charts. The above chart was so fun to create. I did it while watching Pirates of The Caribbean (The one with the mermaids ~ so you can see my influence here:) She's a good mermaid though, without fangs and cannibal tendencies! I love drawing mermaids!
How many of you lovelies have ever kept track of your moods? I could have used these charts a number of years ago when I went through my depression; so many people are effected by this disease. Now I use them to monitor my moods as well as how certain medication is working for me. Being on medication means that you will go through side effects, at least that's how it is with me. I find them helpful in monitoring the side effects such as irritability, nausea, dizziness, mood swings... the list could go on and on. That's why I like to refer back to my charts to see how I was feeling. I also use it to monitor my pain levels with Fibromyalgia. I don't want to use them like a journal and write down every emotion I was feeling on a particular day, no... that's what a journal is for; that is why I have only made the space for each day relatively small.
From some comments I am receiving about these mood charts I am guessing they could be used for any number of things, even an affirmation chart to give yourself a positive word, or quote for each day.
What do you think? Would you use a mood chart? What would you use it for? I would love to hear your opinion.
Happy day to you, many hugs and blessings.
Love this chart!! So colorful!!
What a pretty little mermaid. I have never tracked my moods. Maybe I should ;) I'm happy for you that you've found a medication that is helping you..
I love the mermaid, you did a great job!! I would use the mood chart to record my ups and downs. Sometimes I feel like my downs out way the ups. It would be nice to see it in writing that I had ups. Thanks for sharing about your ups and downs too!! Have a very blessed weekend. Hugs
Hmm, I might use a mood chart if I were in some sort of recovery process- going through a rough time or fighting the fight to overcome some sort of grief. I think it could be a useful tool.
Another great mood chart. I am glad you have found a medication that works.
I think there are many applications for your mood charts Kelly. I would use them to track my moods and body changes during a transition time, seeing the mind body connection.
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