I wanted to change the look of my blog but I wasn't quite sure how to go about it. Here I am with this new Adobe Photoshop program (well it's new to me anyway!) and I hear such great things about it regarding creating banners for blogs, new websites etc., Soooooooo... my brain keeps thinking... tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock as I stare aimlessly at the walls of my living room (which are now amber orange thanks to our new renovations)... what do I do when I don't know how to do something? My fingers scale over my keyboard (effortlessly I might add) searching for ways to add banners using my Adobe Photoshop (older addition - yet surprisingly still "upbeat"... sorry for my humor if you have not seen "How to lose a guy in 10 days")... anywho... B-I-N-G-O! I have found a tutorial! I follow the steps even though they are meant for Adobe Photoshop 7.whatever! I am thrilled to see that I can find the tools mentioned in the tutorial and slowly piece together my new creation... A banner made just for me! (Insert barf here!) In this blogger program through Google I simply chose the "dashboard", "layout" then the "Edit" option of my "header" and inserted the image that I "Saved for Web" in GIF Format. And just like that I have a new header for my blog. How sweet is that?
If you are like moi and do not know (did not know) how to create a banner for your blog just follow the oh-so-simple instructions (okay not-completely-simple) and you will have your banner! Go to http://getit.rutgers.edu/tutorials/banner/index10.html If it does not take you right there send me an e-mail and I will find it for you and get back to you! ksun_1999@yahoo.com Happy Creating!
Great new banner, Kelly!
Nancy... Is that you? No... it can't be because you don't comment very often. Lol. Thanks for commenting girlie.
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