This summer has been rather interesting... We have been blessed by doing things that we have never done before (such as renting an RV to go camping, or rafting in Barrier Lake (really, it was a little dingy that Josh and Ben took turns riding 20 feet off shore)) and have experienced a natural phenomenon as I call it 'THE STORM OF SUMMER 09'... it was not a storm many would classify as anything other than a small summer storm though we were taken back by its velocity for around a half of an hour as we huddled together in our basement in the middle of the night one night. We had never before experienced the rain slamming our windows in the front of our house or the eerinesss of the wind as it inhaled and exhaled against the windows (or so it sounded). We were certain we were in 'THE EYE OF THE STORM', in the midst of the next big tornado (or so our imaginations took us). The next morning we woke up and were surprised to note that the news had barely covered the storm. We are so sheltered (no punn intended) when it comes to experiencing storms! I don't know how we would live in Kansas or other areas of the world prone to tornadoes and earthquakes or other natural disasters. I consider us blessed to live where we do.
Having summer off has been wonderful! Teachers must love and look forward to every summer. This week I will go back to work for just one week as I cover for one of the ladies going on holidays. It will be such a wake up call for me getting up early and making it to work before 8:30! How do normal people do it??? LOL. I shall look upon it as another adventure in this life... the 'waking-up-early-and-not-sleeping-through-life' adventure! There! I have claimed it! It's my saying now! LOL. Okay... yes, I love sleeping in!
Happy Creating Everyone!

I'm used to the loud thunder and lightning and heavy winds and rain... Sometimes the streets look like a river.... Luckily it only happens a couple of times a year.. Luckily no Tornado's though!
We had some storms here too...and some are coming this weekend again!
Love the "brilliant" colors!!! And good things happen don't ask why just enjoy!!!!
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