I haven't posted in a few days because I have been rather consumed... consumed with circles and circles of my paper mosaic. There are times when something nudges me in my head and I don't know where it comes from, this is one of those times. I have had 'mosaics' on my brain for a number of days now. I knew I wanted to do one. I have only created a couple of them before. This one was challenging in the design aspect and cutting out each piece to the exact shape needed. I never do things the conventional way - the instructions for building mosaics (out of tile anyway) are;
1. Draw out your picture.
2. Create a template of your drawing using tracing paper.
3. Then cut out each shape according to your template.
Well... I didn't draw out my picture. I got out my compass and drew circles and circles and went from there. So... needless to say... I didn't have a template to work from either. In the end I didn't even come close to following the instructions especially since mosaics are usually made out of tiles and not paper.
It wasn't until I was finished a few layers in each circle that I came up with the butterfly to go in the middle. I am not usually a spontaneous individual in everyday life... in art however... it's all about 'flying-by-the-seat-of-my-pants'!
When I finished glueing every piece down I brushed a layer of self-levelling gel over top to protect it and create a glazed look.
Well, hope you enjoy it.
Happy Creating Everyone.