Cori Lynn Berg of Sacred Art is now another favorite of mine. Just by chance I found her website and I LOVE her style.
Click on Sacred Art to link to her blog.
This piece spoke to me and the words that went with it, read her words on her blog. She is such an inspiration. This painting is the cover for a journal, wow! I am amazed. Thanks Cori for sharing your inspiration with the world!
I hope you enjoy her blog and are as inspired as me!
Hugs and blessings everyone!

You are so nice. I was just writing to another person I met out in bloggy world how nice it is to find artists out there who see art as relationship, not just self-promotion. Your words touch me deeply and inspire me to keep working! And your images! I'm going to need a few days to go through these. So lovely!
Wonderful cover! Thank you for sharing this link! I'm gonna go take a peek... ; )
That is so beautiful, Kelly. I am going to visit, for sure. I think I told you that I am just learning how to paint backgrounds. For some reason, the bead muse has left me for awhile and I want to paint and work with paper. This is dazzling, as is the one before!
Hi Kelly!
Isn't is a blissful thing when we stumble upon a blog that truly inspires us! And there are so many! I'll pay her a visit...and I do hope you stop by today. I've just posted about an inspirational blog myself!
ciao bella
Creative Carmelina
PROV 3:3-4 is a favorite of mine - I think that is my favorite book of the bible anyway - thanks for reminding me of that one feel free to visit my blog too yours is lovely mine is a work in progress
This looks really great.
Thanks for sharing the link. I will visit her. The cover is beautiful!
Have a wonderful week, Theresa
What a beautiful cover Kelly. Thanks for sharing, I will pop over and have a look at her site
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