I so needed that vacation!!!!!!!!! My girlfriend Kelly and I went for tea about five or six months back and we heard on the radio that the weather in Calgary for the winter was not going to be too pleasant ~ in fact it was going to be downright nasty! So... we came up with a plan of attack to get through the winter ~ we would head down to Arizona for 6 days in March! What an incredible place Scottsdale Arizona is... I am sure all of Arizona is just as beautiful. Both of us are very much alike in our tastes, personalities and desperate need for warmth! LOL As soon as we got off the airplane we were in "Heaven"! It felt like home to us ~ we both agree that we could sooooooooooo easily live there! What a dream that would be to have the warm sunshine everyday, or even a warm cloudy day would do!!! As you can tell... I put one of the Arizona pictures of me as my profile picture because I look so happy! I don't remember being more happy than when I am in a warm climate like that! We both loved every detail of the place; the Mexican architecture, the music, the cactus' and palm trees, the orange trees and most of all the SUNSHINE!
My girlfriend loves to shop and we went to one mall for EIGHT hours! We were both so done by the time we got to our car ~ we barely made it back to the condo! LOL. Then we went to two other malls the over the next two days! We were so layed back there which was amazing ~ definitely in our element!
My husband's sister generously allowed us to stay in her condo and she was so kind she even had a huge fruit basket greeting us when we got there! We were so impressed with the condo itself, large enough to hold two families! We each had our own bedroom and bathroom and it was beautifully decorated. There were three doors to the balcony that overlooked the exquisite pool and water fountains.
While we were there we became 'animal rescuers'! One morning we went for a swim and there was a 'RAT' in the pool! We felt so bad for it because it was trying to find a way out and it couldn't... so we grabbed the pool net and rescued it and placed it on a warm dry surface. Eventually it puffed itself up and dried in the sunshine. On our way out of the pool area it started back towards the pool! As it wasn't in the pool the next day we are hoping it went safely to its' home!
I think two days later we helped a male duck get out between gates at the clubhouse to into the pool area where it's mate was. As soon as it was freed they flew off 'into the sunset' together. LOL.
I actually picked up a tiny bunny tail not knowing what it was! EW! There was blood on the end so you could tell it had gotten pulled off or stuck or something! We felt bad for the poor little bunny! As you can tell we are huge animal lovers. Hee-hee.
The six days flew by way too soon but we came back rejuvanated with slight tans and ready to plan our next trip there with our families! LOL. I highly recommend Arizona for a vacation.
Oh yes... I actually conquered my fear of something I have wanted to do for a long time now and got the top of my right ear pierced. It didn't hurt at all! I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Hugs and God bless