If you love ABBA and musicals you will absolutely adore this movie! I love both and so this movie was very well received by me. I highly recommend it! It is based in Greece at "Villa Donna" so you can pretty much guarantee the amazing scenery. The hilarious storyline will draw you in with a fabulous cast of well known actors/actresses. The main theme is this; a young woman is getting married though doesn't know who her father is ~ rooting through her mother's boxes she discovers three possibilities and invites all three men to her wedding ~ it continues on from there so use your imagination as to what comes next... I had no idea that some of the cast could sing as well as they did, and others... well you will just have to see it for yourself to know what I mean.
After seeing the movie twice; once with my Mama mia and second with my girlfriends I still love it as much as I did the first time - and I bought the soundtrack too!
Enjoy... and if you do see it, let me know what you think!
Hugs and blessings