(Artwork by Kelly Watts 2013)
I am reading this amazing book called "Soul Detox". It is regarding the battle of your mind, getting rid of your negative thinking and basically getting rid of anything that is not of God in your life.
Spring cleaning for your soul ~ that definitely describes it.
Philippians 4:8 Finally brothers and sisters... whatever is true... noble... right... pure... lovely... admirable...excellent...praiseworthy~ think about such things. (shortened).
When we fill our minds up with all the worldly thoughts and things what do we end up with? A murky soul polluted by the world... a soul that we allowed to become murky. That is why God tells us to think about things that are good, pure, lovely because that is what we were meant to think on.
I am doing a spring cleaning on my soul and I am going to try and get rid of all the things I have allowed to pollute my mind with!
I want to live for God.
I want to be a representative of Jesus Christ out to the world.
I want to speak words of love and life... not bitterness and death.
I am choosing to get rid of the pollution in my mind.
Won't you join me?
Many blessings to you my dear friends.

Wonderful Kelly also your words. It looks a great bvook you are reading.
Your portrait is awesome again and I love it.
lovely greet
Hi Kelly,
It was so lovely to hear from you :) Thank you for this post and all that you shared. I, too, need to do some Spring cleaning in my own life - thanks for the motivation! Have a wonderful week.
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