Over the past few weeks I have been chatting back and forth to a number of woman who are suffering with Fibromyalgia and/or other chronic illnesses. This has got me thinking... I have been through so much trying to find help, research ways to help, going to Doctors for help, learning things that help and things that do not help. My conclusion... as I am trying to find help... is that... I want to help!
I want to be a support for others, I want people to have a place to go to find ideas and other suggestions. Yes, maybe there are already places set up to go to, however, it has been placed heavily upon my heart to try something.
I am going to set up a support blog. I do not exactly know what it will look like yet... but keep it in mind... it is coming.
Please let me know if this would be of interest for you... I would love to chat with you.
Many hugs and blessings to you.