Undercover Gypsy: Lets Go Treasure Hunting
Instantly this verse came to mind after reading her post;
"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" Matthew 6:21
So often we get tangled up with the 'things' of this world, we hold closely onto them as though we can take them with us when we die. The truth, they are just worldly possessions that turn to dust. Our true treasures are in Heaven waiting for us.
I thank Kelley for her honesty and for her desire to live a life of seeking her treasure in Heaven... it is a difficult process at times and so easy to hold on to the things in this world. I tend to hoard art supplies, magazines, and other things because of my love of art, but I am learning to use them for the Kingdom more everyday.
Blessings to you Dear Friends, I hope you take the time to go to Kelley's blog and read her post and take in her beautiful art.

I'll go and read her post. Yes I tend to hoard art supplies and lots of junk! I pray for protection from the enemy who always seeks to use our interests to turn us away from the Giver of the gifts! Patsy from
Thanks for sharing, will check out her post. I am a hoarder as well - calling it my collections I am trying to practice using them to be a blessing as well!
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