I worked on this page last week and wasn't sure what it was going to turn into... then I went to Church and Pastor Phil was speaking on the topic of "Shame". I began to see where this piece was going as eyes poked out behind all the beautiful flowers I felt like it was depicting how we can sometimes hide in life and "Shame" is the culprit. It steals our real identity in Christ. Having experienced this and having to constantly work this out with God and give it over to Him, Pastor Phil's sermon really spoke to me.
When I got married I was full of shame carried over from my past ~ I had all the characteristics of someone holding onto shame. I was shy, self-conscious, vain and passive. I cared so much about what other people thought about me that I would spend hours getting ready just to be perfect on the outside. I felt stupid, uneducated, not good enough. I didn't trust my husband...
The shame I carried wasn't only from the things in my life that I did and regretted (of course I had those things)... but also I held onto shame that wasn't even mine. When I was little I was sexually abused, I was left alone, I was made to feel stupid and worthless (not necessarily put on me by my parents), as I grew up again... abusive boyfriend who cheated and was a compulsive liar (feelings of low self worth grounded into me until I was so little and useless on the inside). Many things contributed to the shame I carried with me everywhere.
Today, I am free of many of those things, Jesus has set me free. I no longer believe that I am stupid nor do I have low self-esteem (at least not to the extent I had). I can take steps on my own and am independant in things that I never used to be. Shame is a heavy burden, one that we are not meant to carry. Jesus died for our shame! He took our shame and bore it on the cross that we might live lives free of it forever. Now we just need to give it to Him and believe that He can take it from us.
For the first time in my life I can breathe a breath of fresh, fresh air. I can hold my head up high and see the sun, the blue sky and hear the birds chirping away...
When you are consumed with fear you cannot see/hear or experience anything else. Give it to Him and see the life you were meant to live.
I pray for you all, may you be very blessed.

Kelly GORGEOUS. What a beautiful and special art work. The tpoic "shame" is really visitble in your work. I adore the eyes in it. My compliments for this beautiful work. Love it.
Lovely greet
Kelly, this is a lovely post. I read it very slowly because the message is so important.
This is really spectacular, Kelly! xoxox
Kelly, I love what you have done here....
This is such a great post. I appreciate your raw honesty which indeed sets others so very free...
Many blessings...
Oh my gosh it's beautiful I love you work!
It's been a while since I've been visiting.... but I so enjoyed seeing your new artwork and the beautiful and life-breathed postings.
Beautiful Artwork!!!
Beautiful detail in your work and I enjoyed your post. It was very meaningful.
Oh, I have not visited for a while, and I've been missing out.
Your work is so amazing.
Connie :)
Kelly, thank you for sharing and being vulnerable. Your artwork is moving and beautiful! I agree with you, Jesus took our shame, died for it so we could be free. Thank you Jesus!
Gorgeous Page and a great post. Jesus is the great redeemer. I wish everyone knew it and could be lifted by His Spirit. --Also, I love your blog.
Lovely work, and important message. Your work is lovely and your message touches the heart....I tell my students....You can't spell HEART without ART. Your art is precious and important.
FANTASTIC! God must have led me to your beautiful Blog for a reason today. I am overwhelmed and feeling very unworthy of a "call" to a position in my church. Although I may seem confident and a take charge kind of person...on the inside I am that young girl who is full of fear and shame from being molested by the one person I should have been able to trust..my dad. So thank you for your words. Many blessings and a very big hug!
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