Last week I gave my testimony publicly for the first time EVER at a Woman's Recovery Centre and I discovered two things... First, is that my testimony is very long-winded and I really should have shortened it up;
and Second, some people can be mean in a subtle way, you don't even realize when they are dissing you until you think about it afterwards!
When I was giving my testimony, the supervisor of the ladies group said, "Preach It Sister" as I was reading a poem that I had written during my depression. After giving my testimony she said in front of everyone that my testimony was very God-based and that she has read the Bible cover to cover and that was precisely why she did NOT believe... okay... that was strange of her to say that to me...
then I thought about it...
When she said "Preach it Sister" while I read my very personal poem I thought 'wow, cool, she's touched by my poem'... then after her stating she was not a believer the thought crossed my mind...
wow, okay... she was actually dissing me and my beliefs instead of being touched by my poem.
That was really mean.
It bothered me for days after and I didn't really know why... maybe because I wasn't expecting that from the supervisor, from the ladies who were in a really tough spot in life sure, but the supervisor?
I guess I should be thankful because my testimony made her put her guard up and lash out at me, that must mean that Jesus is working through my testimony... why else would a complete stranger persecute me, right?
So now I am thinking about it in a positive way and thanking Jesus that I am worthy to be persecuted for His Name. It still hurts though.
I really hate how mean some people can be and I try to pray for those who are because they must be hurting if they feel the need to hurt others. Can't we all just get along? :)
Well, I pray that you are all having a wonderful week. Many hugs and blessings.

Wow Kelly I'm really sorry you went through that! That is behaviour I would never have suspected from a supervisor! I myself believe in God but do not have beliefs that some consider religious, but I do see the good that faith from a religion can bring and believe everyone has to find what supports them through life, whether than be what is said in the bible or not. I would never tell someone to believe something, or diss their beliefs if they differed from mine and I don't think others that are in a happy or balanced place would either, so I think you're probably right about the supervisor, and hopefully perhaps one day she will be place where she does not feel the need to do that to others. And Kelly please do not be hurt by it, we cannot please every person all the time, we all have these critiques, much love Jennibellie xx
I am so sorry Kelly that this you have been hurt by another's comments especially when you were giving your testimony...your story..which no one should be able to comment on...after all it's your story.....
Obviously, you took the right approach and knew that you will be blessed for being persercuted for His name sake.....I am proud of you for standing up for what you believe in and I know God will bless you for it....
You are so precious and I love visiting with you....
Great job on the picture! The face is so pretty! I believe that the closer you are to God, the harder the Devil works. He uses people with his power to break us down and try to get us to give up. I love your positive attitude!
That was really mean. I like your faithful attitude, though, Kelly. You really ARE strong...and maybe she was jealous of that. Kathy
Thank you all so much for all the encouragement. I am SO over my feelings of this event but I am SO VERY thankful for dear friends like you guys here!
Hugs and blessings to you
oh, kelly, i cannot believe someone could be that closed-minded! but i know there are those that try to hurt others because they are hurting. and i know we need to wish them love. i am glad you were able to "journal it out". and i'm glad your faith is so much stronger than any discouragement that might come your way. i say "preach it sister!" in the most positive and enthusiastic way - don't ever be afraid to tell your story.
I'm sorry to hear that. We've had some 'weird' supervisors in our Art therapy studying program, and there were even some tears and bad words and... among us in the group because of bad supervising (my opinion). It depends on the person how strong he/she is to take it, some are hurt more easily than the others. One of the supervisors made me so angry that I went to our library and checked & read all the books about group dynamics and supervision ;). I could see he was a lousy supervisor, so I didn't take him seriously from then on. Ha!
Anyway, I do counselling and art therapy with the clients and I never, ever do things that would hurt a person. Never! I studied in UK to have interviews with victims of crime and hurt people, and they taught us that a person is sacred. We need to put ourselves down to a client's level, not the opposite!
So, Kelly, be strong and listen to your heart. It is your Life, your journey, and people who hurt you don't need to be near you if you choose so. Take care!
I'm so glad I dropped by, reading your post and seeing your strength in it,was exactly what I needed. I'm going through an uncomfortable situation at work. My spirit changed and I'm sorry now and praying for people who resort to mean, it's quite sad that they have to live negatively and don't know God's love and grace. Our Lord will not forsake us. :)
well i just found your blog today, your work is lovely.
I have to say I was shocked to hear that some one would diss your story like that, to have the courage to bare your soul and then be shot down, she need to re evaluate her job, she's not in the right place, in the positive , it made you stronger, and I envy your strength and admire it.
Evil lurks everywhere, obviously closer than we think,,take care, I'm going to follow your blog, I like your styel.
I know evil, just last week I lost my complete blog, someone attcked it. I ahd to start a completely new one, I have only been blogging for 6 months, my new blog is only a week old, I would love to have you visit.
Oh Kelly, it must be so hard to put yourself and your faith out there, only to be treated that way. The world is full of confused, angry people who are threatened by the light of Christ. Please know that Jesus was smiling on you, and loving that you were willing to open yourself up to such treatment because of your love for Him. You may never know who you touched at that meeting. Obviously, those recovering souls you spoke to are not being given the one thing that would truly change their lives by that supervisor. But that doesn't mean they didn't get it through you! It was people just like you who saved my life so many years ago. I honestly don't know where I would have ended up without those who were willing to reach out to me. And think of this - you may have been the final person to share your message that inspired one those people that convinced them to give their life to God. Some day, they may be looking back and telling someone else how your testimony saved their life. I'm so proud of you having the strength and courage to share your testimony with them. You are a hero in my eyes. God bless you, my friend. Hugs, Terri
Hey Kelly! First of all, congrats on giving your testimony for the first time! I know that it takes courage opening yourself up and being vulnerable...I'm so proud of you! Second, I'm sorry that you were dissed...that was extremely rude for anyone to were a guest. Third, yes...sometimes when we try to be the most obedient and effective for the Lord, the adversary does his best to discourage us...and believe it or not,it doesn't always come from someone who doesn't believe. Fourth,don't give up and don't get discouraged...that's exactly what is "expected" of you...instead praise God for the words He gave you to say and for the opportunity to say them...and I'll be praying that you are given many more opportunities to share your faith! Hugs!
As someone who works in mental health services, may I just say ***WOW***!!! Whatever happened to the key tenet of unconditional positive regard in a safe, healing space?!? Unbelievable. Keep preaching it, girl - you've clearly got a message about your experience that touches others!
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