Okay... when I say 'girls weekend' I am meaning myself and my Mila puppy. My hubby and boys were at spring camp for our Church. They had a blast and I missed them terribly... but I did manage to have some very much needed time in the sun and with God. The weather here has been so up and down (I'm talking snow blizzard one day to almost 20degrees (27 on my back deck) overnight. And now we seem to be back to a rainy snowy day as I look out my window! No... it looks like a light snow. Oy vay! What's going on with our spring. I got a sunburn on my back neck and shoulders on Saturday. I couldn't find our sunscreen anywhere but I HAD to sit in the sun. Now I am paying for it bigtime!
Anyway... back to what I did. On Thursday night we went out to dinner as a family and then I took my boys to Chapters. As they picked out their Spiderwick (Ben) and Guardians of Gahoolie (Josh) books, I made my way over to the "Arts and crafts section". I found two books, the first was Art Journaling - how it leads to healing... and the second book was Faithbooking, prayer journals and more. I was taken away by these books as God has made it such a passion of mine. As I read the first through some of the first book... God took me on my own journey of what I have experienced in my life and how far I have come. I spent three hours just writing, writing, writing ~ hence the sunburn. I wrote about what God has done for me, what I have dealt with, the process of healing He has led me through, what I have given up and what I have received by letting go of things I once thought I needed to hold onto. The above journal pages express some of what I journaled this weekend.
The first picture is from different magazines I have collected over the years. There was an article on Sifing Your life - letting go of yourself and latching on to God. That inspired the page with the big tree 'Transformed By Faith' as I thought through how God has shown me how to sift myself and then how He has been right here with me through all my storms. The next page "Describing the Experience" was about how I hear God in the still quiet moments of my life. How He transformed me through these moment and how He works is nothing short of miraculous. The last page I did the background with my distress inks, the colors are rather dramatic because I wanted it to show the dramatic way I have been transformed from a life of regret, to a life with no regret. From a life gripped with fear and loneliness to a life of forgiveness, and pure love. God has lifted me from all that I thought I knew, to filling me with His heavenly wisdom allowing me to be content and protected in the shadow of His wings. I know I say this over and over... but I am amazed, I am in awe of what an awesome God we serve! If we allow Him in He will restore us, make us new, wash away all the murky waters transforming us into His children.
Happy creating everyone. God bless you.