How many of you are broken? How many of you have a story that would break everyone's heart? I know I do, and I know that most of you do to. Our healing is here however.
He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds" Psalm 147:3
God is stirring up hearts, and leading them to their healing through Him. He is the mighty healer of all of our brokenness.
After hearing some heart wrenching testimonies of some ladies who have come from a recovery house I was blown away. The suffering that they have endured... my heart hurts just thinking about it! That day they were baptised for Jesus and I tell you there was great, great victory for the Lord that day! These women came from addiction, from losing their children to foster care, from prostitution and much abuse their entire lives... and then they found Jesus. Their smiles moved mountains that day and opened many hearts and now God will use their testimonies to heal more of the broken hearted!
I love to think of the Angels rejoicing in Heaven for these once lost children! It places a huge smile on my face!
Hallelujah to our God!!!
If you are lost in brokenness, contact me and I can talk with you, tell you my testimony and give you a great hope that your healing is right up ahead. God bless you.

Wonderful and beautiful. I hope that the broken heart has binds up yet. Your painting is fabulous.
Lovely greet
Wow....what a beautifully powerful post. Your journal page just drew me in and I absolutely love it. Your message today really spoke to me and I appreciate you posting this.
Just stopping by to say "hello", dear Kelly. Hope all is well with you. What a wonderful post and page. Hugs to you, dear friend. ♥
Your message spoke to me Kelly!
Great page too!
Be care of you!
have a good day!
This is a beautiful story and page from a beautiful heart. I love hearing things like this. Thanks for sharing!
Amazing work! Found you on Pinterest. Keep up the great work! (You have a new follower...) :)
I love your style of art journaling. It's more my own style....I often get an idea for an journal page after spending with God as I tell him about what's in my heart. I have not taken up doing many art journal pages because of thinking they needed to be like others who layer and layer etc... So you have inspired me to sketch an draw my heart in my art journal and it's okay. Thank you! Just became your newest follower.
Lee Ann
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