I drew this piece last year and it has sat in my book of sketches for a long time. I don't know why I never got to finishing it, it might be because I drew the hands incorrectly from what I had originally intended... they were supposed to be her hands, but if you think about it the thumbs would not be in front if they were hers, so now it's someone else holding her face and I'm okay with that... that kind of makes it into a story, a mystery.
Today I added all the color and doodles and it looks much different than when I first began. I unfortunately didn't take a picture of the before, so I hope you like the after! One of my favorite colors is salmon pink so I wanted it to be a little different so I 'pinked-up' her hairdo!
On Thursday I had my first "Goal Setting" group at the Chronic Pain Clinic. Some of you might be asking what kind of goals can you set in regards to pain, right? Well, I had the same questions really, then the session opened up my eyes. There are many goals that I need to set and some of them I didn't relate to my pain before; things like relaxation... I mean I knew stress causes me to hurt more but I didn't really think about true relaxation and what I do to achieve it. There is actually a relaxation class at the Clinic and one of my goals is to sign up for it!
I guess I should have taken the hint about my 'not' breathing when I went in for surgery in January and the nurse had to continually tell me to breathe, apparently I do not breathe enough! (My hubbub has been telling me that for years really, I just didn't listen... me being a stubborn Norwegian and all! LOL) Anyway, the relaxation classes will also teach me how to breathe - BONUS! Do any of you have this issue?
Other goals I can set are things such as, I want to work on my moodiness (apparently I get moody when I am constantly in pain ~ weird right? Y'no! It's true though... so one of my goals is going to be working on my moods, which comes with calming down the pain, which comes with a hole whack of other goals that can be reached by attending the resource classes at the clinic. So I am rather excited about the rest of this year... I know the beginning hasn't been stellar and all... but hey, there's a whole other half of the year to go so I'm not counting 2011 out quite yet! LOL! Positivity is a huge factor... I am learning so much! YAY! Well, I shall keep you updated with my progress, I am expecting great things!
I really hope that all of you had a wonderful and creative weekend.
Big hugs and many blessings

love the red hair
Kelly this is an amazing piece!! her hair is so awesome!! and the colours are beautiful!
Hi Kelly,
You're latest doodle lady is fabulous. I also like the salmon colour for her hair.
OK, I get it~You're new word for the remainder of this year should be 'breathe'
You may sleep easier, feel less pain and not be soo moody or cranky.
I'm sure these classes will be very beneficial!
Creative hugs,
breathing is always important- I think it helps me tremendously with stress reduction.
I love this and the color is fabulous. I love that you have someone else holding her face.
I just love this, Kelly,
You have grown so much as an artist in such a short time and this is an example. Did I share with you that I go to a Chronic Pain Clinic, too? This all sounds so familiar. I don't "breath" either...and I get very crabby when I am in pain. I think we have been through this...i also forget things!!!!
Big hugs,
Great sketch Kelly and I love the colours you have chosen. It looks like someone is giving her emotional support - goes with your class I think.
Deep breathing and awareness of your breathing is one of the great results of meditating. I find that I can cope with stress so much better when I concentrate on my breath.
Not sure whether I have mentioned this book before but have you read "You can Heal your life"by Louise L Hay. It is a book that I constantly read and re read. Great for looking at life positively.
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