"Faith Through Love" @2014 Kelly Watts
First of all... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Just a bit late!
I have been in full blown recovery mode. It has been almost two and a half months since my Hysterectomy and I have finally been able to get back to some art work.
So.... to start this post off I will share with you the above piece "Faith Through Love", it is my phrase for 2014. I will live by them as much as I can through out the year and attempt to love everyone as God loves them, unconditionally.
"Oceans" @2014 by Kelly Watts
Second on the agenda is my piece "Oceans (song lyrics by Hillsong)". In the background and on the hood of her cloak I have written the lyrics to this beautiful song. If you get a chance please listen to this song, it is amazing.
Her eyes are piercing like a fierce ocean.
"To Live is Christ" @2014 by Kelly Watts
Thirdly, my last show and tell... "To Live is Christ". I have always been deeply touched by this verse, it expresses a loyalty beyond what is seen.
Our purpose is to be Christ in this world; to love, to share, to give, to extend, to build-up, to take care of, to be the light in the darkness.
With my entire being I want to be this!
When all is said and done and I'm standing before my Father in Heaven,
may HE say to me,
"Well done, good and faithful servant."
I pray that my art expresses this longing of my heart... to serve the Father with all the gifts HE has given me.
Be blessed my Dear Friends
With much love.