Hello all you lovely peoples out there! I am so sorry I have been absent from Blogland for awhile. I have been sick... however, in all of my time away I have come up with an idea and am wondering if anyone out here would like to take part in such a crazy idea with me.
When I started the ALL KINDS OF ARTISTS Blog Hop I had no idea of how many wonderful artists would sign up, nor how much inspiration I would receive from everyone!
I would like to create a Collaborative Art Journal book for publishing that would include submissions from all of you wonderful Art Journalers out there!
If you would like to take part in my ALL KINDS OF ARTISTS collaborative Art Journal project please send me off a comment with your contact information or a way that I can get a hold of you and I will contact you with what I am looking for in regards to a submission.
You can also shoot me off an email at k s u n_1999 @ y a h o o . com (no spaces).
I would love to hear from you, let me know what you think.
Big hugs and many blessings.