Time to make somebody HAPPY!
Lastnight my hubby brought in the mail and I received some wonderful happy mail! I LOVE receiving letters from my penpals ~ or anyone for that matter! LOL. My friend in Winnipeg sent me a beautiful letter made out of recycled material and it was just lovely! I am so very blessed. Her letters are all so entertaining and creative.
So I went to work in the reciprocation process to produce my return letter to her...
I found these beautiful sceneric napkins at our local grocery store about a month ago and have wanted to make something with them for the longest time - now was the perfect time! If you click on the above picture you can see that I stitched the napkin together! Don't you just love the scene that is played out on it???

Inside the cover you can see how I glued it onto the other side as well as stitched it. I added pages to the inside of the booklet, pages 2 and 12 (as placed in the book) I shaped into large leaves and then colored and embellished them with some texture.

Pages 3 and 11 I sprayed with Glimmer mist using an alphabet stencil, then I drew wings on the top of the pages. On the other side, pages 4 and 10 I used a large flower sticker that I received from another wonderful penpal of mine which created a lovely accent to the booklet as you can see below.

Don't you just love that flower! I knew I had to use it as soon as I received it! You can't keep something this beautiful to yourself!!! Pages 5 and 9 I drew one of my lovely feather masks with eyes and journal lines ~ I love the Peacock blue with this and have used this color on multiple masked faces I have made!

In the very middle of the booklet I zentangled my hand (which if you know me, you know that I absolutely love zentangling and drawing hands!) This worked out perfectly to create a wonderful focus for the overall spread!
Now all that's left is to fill it in with all the juicy details that only a penpal can write to a penpal! Did I mention how much I love Happy Mail? Now it's my turn to make somebody HAPPY!
Well, I wish you all a very Happy New Year with much love and many blessings! Happy Creating everyone!