Things that were really on my mind...
Then I had an Emergency Appendectomy which kept me in bed for a few weeks.
February had me take part in a Community Art Project over at Phoenix Peacocks Blog...
as well as working on an idea for a book through my All Kinds of Artists Bloghop... (I only received about 10 submissions so needless to say this project fell through:(
Also, June was the month I was diagnosed with Hypermobility of My Joints, Degenerative Discs in my neck and an appointment was set up for an MRI for April of 2012.
July had me making paper dolls (through Julie Nutting's book) with neighborhood girls...
as well as learning to make Duct tape wallets with my son Benjamin.
August had me working on my FIRST piece for friends of ours for their daughter Madelyn's room... this project was so much fun - I soaked in every moment of being engulfed in this girlie procedure!!!!
September had me taking an online class through Doll Dreams on Eyes and I was able to create this "Sisters" piece (which sold out during my art fair in November).
October kept me busy as I worked on piece after piece for my upcoming Art fairs in November. I also wrote my first "booklet" called "The Art of Zen Doodling".
November was the "BIG MONTH" for art fairs having FOUR in a row, weekend after weekend! It was an eye opener for me as I have never sold my art work before. I also learned that I will NEVER again plan to do four in a row :)
December was a relaxing month for me after the busy past few months... I worked on a few more mood charts, a few joural pages but mostly I just chilled out with my family.
Every winter I get the "Fever" for a winter project (which is usually knitting or crocheting some blanket I never finish)... This year I chose to do a cross stitch but only with strict conditions laid out by my son Josh... I must finish this project to completion within 8 months! He likes to bug me about all the projects I don't finish.
AND FINALLY, THE BIG REVEAL... my word for 2012 is...
My Hubbub chose this word for me. My process for choosing my word this year was to google "positive words"... it came up with a list of over 300 words. I worked my way through this list and circled the ones that jumped out at me. There were a number of them. Then I drew lines from one word to the next of the words that related to each other (sort of like word webbing)... my logic was pretty solid (or so I thought)... I then attempted to show my hubbub my process...
um... ya...
why oh why do I do this to myself??????
Within seconds he see's the word 'EFFERVESCENT' and say's... "That should be your word for the year!"
I just stare at him and say with sad looking eyes, "But I haven't shown you my process yet!"
He says, "Nope, your word is Effervescent! That's how I think you should be this year, bubbly, high-spirited, full of life, sparkly... it's perfect! DONE! Your word is EFFERVESCENT.
I looked from his face to the page, back and forth, back and forth... it took me a few minutes to 'let go' of my entire process and see things his way!
Then I settled into my new word of the year... EFFERVESCENT... hmmmm... yes... I could work with this word. Yes... I want to be high-spirited and bubbly this year! Yes, it will work just fine!
How does my HUBBUB know me so well???
It took me a few weeks to finish this page dedicated to EFFERVESCENT. I did it completely with my Twinkling H20's (watercolors that SHINE). I thought it suited my word of the year perfectly. What do you think???
Wishing you all a wonderfully Happy New Year - may you all be richly blessed with goodness, love, joy, peace, prosperity and anything else in these categories!
Big New Years Hugs!!!!