I can't believe it! Usually I do not remember to do my "Word Of the Year" until after the New Year has begun! Yahooey! For once I am ahead of myself! (imaginatively doing the happy dance right now!)
This year has been quite the year and I am anxiously waiting for 2011 to begin although I am enjoying the Christmas Season! I am ahead of all the hustle and bustle that plagues many a household this time of year... I do not like the busyness at all! I HATE crowds of people so when I do my Christmas shopping I embrace it as if I am in battle - very strategically! Last week my son Ben and I went and did our shopping together (every year we choose who is buying for who and go off to a store to buy those little gifts)... we mapped out our list of things to do and it was a great success! Nowadays strip malls are going up all over the place so chances of you finding everything you need in one place are very high ~ for convenience I give that a thumbs up! Although, I do not particularily love seeing these strip malls everywhere. We as a society are very commercial, very materialistic and seem to flock to these malls like bees on honey ~ I am guilty of this! I yearn for the simplistic life while I type on my laptop computer in my nice warm and cozy house, all nested in with my Itouch I-pod on one side and my blackberry on the other! Does that sound strange to anyone else? I do not actually know what a 'simplistic life' would look like, though this year I think I am going to try harder to be more simplistic and not have so many "things"...
Anyway, on to my new "Word of the year"

I chose two words this year because they go hand-in-hand: HEALING Health! I didn't have to think too long to know that I really need to focus on Healing and getting Healthy in 2011. As pointed out by one of my dear blogging friends Esther, many of us are in deep need of healing this coming year! Well, it's so very true! How many of us, if not every one of us need that healing touch from the Lord to rain down upon us and set us free from physical, emotional or spiritual bondage?
I say no more!
I can't stand to go through another year of being bound by physical pain and I know that God doesn't want this for me either!
So basically... I SURRENDER! I am giving it ALL to the Lord this year! I have so much junk-in-my-trunk that it's no wonder I am sick! I am talking about toxicity in my body that I really need to find away to get out! I am also talking about healing of my spirit too, all the stress that has accumulated within me that makes me sick! All of it! I give it all to you LORD!
I understand the logic, I understand that God desires so many amazing, wonderful things for His people. He does not want us to hurt or to be physically ill... He wants us to live life to its fullest in health, and love and service to Him. How can we do that if we are bound by illness? I pray that the Lord fills me with Healing and Health this year so that I can serve Him. I pray that you also find that healing and that health you so desire. May 2011 be the year that we are all fully restored in His grace and His love! Amen!
And that all sounds so good... now I just have to hold firm to that for this is my desire!
Many hugs and blessings to all of you, I pray that you are all enjoying the blessings that this season brings. Remember to keep the "Christ" in Christmas and be very full of love and joy!
Don't forget to get yourself some "Happy Creating" time!