The pages I prepared before my trip to Arizona worked out wonderful for recording special times from my trip and helped me to pack lighter as we all know supplies take up a lot of room and can be heavy! My bags were heavy enough as it was, I even bent the metal handle holding one of my heavy bags! I really have to learn to pack a whole lot lighter even still!
One page worked out tremendously as I had prepared it darker than the others and it captured the mood of one of my dreams while I was away rather well! Dark colors can capture moods amazingly, I think this is the reason certain colors are known for provoking certain moods in people (for example red is known to bring out anger...) or is that only in bulls??? lol. Yellow always makes me feel happy and I am sure that's why my bedroom is yellow. It is my safe happy space.
I am going to prepare my journal pages before every trip I take... I found it was so much easier and surprising how the pages worked out so nicely.
Happy Creating Everyone!