Boy did I have fun with this project: Gemming Packing Material! I cannot for the life of me remember where I picked up these pieces of cardboard in beautiful shapes just ready to be gemmed... I am certain I was in the right place at the right time! They have been under my art desk for about a year now... finally... I woke up yesterday morning and wham! it hit me... I needed to gem these beauties! So what did I do???? I went and dragged out all my gemming supplies... sat there for about an hour figuring out what to do... realized that I didn't have enough gemming supplies (charms, beads etc.) so... I went to MICHAELS of coarse!
After an hour or so of browsing the bead and charm section I found the perfect material. I came home ($100 poorer) set out all the supplies, placed them on the shapes and tried to picture the finished product. An hour later I began "icing" the face of the cardboard with molding paste and started the gemming process. The whole piece took me about 4 hours to do - mostly thinking about what I wanted to do! I am eventually going to paint the outside with white paint and in the openings in the front I am going to add pictures of my family.
I am really happy that one, I finally got to this project that has been on my mind for over a year now, and second that it turned out exactly what I expected it to look like. I will post the finished project when I get to it. I hope it won't take me another year to get the pictures and painting organized.
Let me know what you think.
Happy Creating Everyone!!!!! Hugs to you all!