I have been in the land of Butterflies and Fairies lately as I have been pretty much stuck in bed with this silly flu/cold. I don't know what it is and I hate it! My youngest is home with some sort of virus (not the swine flu - thank You God! as we got him checked out at the doctor). His eyes are red like pink eye and his throat is red and spotty like strep throat and yet he has neither. Strange business this is.
So being that I am confined to my bed I have managed to pull out my Twinkling H20's (which I simply cannot get enough of lately) and set myself up (like Frida) and have gone to work (when I am feeling good enough to do so).
I found this lovely little magazine called "Birds and Blooms" and the front cover had a gorgeous photo of a Monarch butterfly perched upon a burnt umber sunflower. I knew I had to give it a try and paint it. I was surprised it turned out so good as I had never before used the "China Black" Twinkling H20. I wasn't certain that it would be black like I needed it to be for the Monarch but 'low and behold' (whatever that means??) it turned out beautifully! I was extremely pleased with the outcome. I cannot recommend Luminarts Twinkling H20 watercolors enough! They are so smooth to work with and shimmer like you wouldn't believe!
I don't know why fairies have been on my mind so much... they are so mystical and beautiful... it must be that I have recently visited with my gorgeous little nieces (whom I already miss dearly!) and gifted them with some fairy crafts that have got me thinking about them. I am also reading the Twilight series (click on the list on the right to purchase from Amazon) (HIGHLY RECOMMEND AS WELL)... and the story is very mystical also, and romantic and nothing violently gross like most vampire stories! Anyway... off topic (shiny object!)... never mind... to continue...
fairies... right... I decided to draw this little beauty and name her "Autumn" (I know, original isn't it!) lol.
We have had such a fabulous September that fall has gently come upon us sweeping leaves through the parks... we have been able to enjoy the changing of season in the sunshine and abnormal high temperatures for Calgary. Our usual fall tends to happenstance upon us with a gigantic dump of snow which means we do not get to see the beautiful trees gently changing before us... it's summer then BAM! it's winter for six to eight months (depending upon the year)! Needless to say... this fall has thus far been beautiful and inspiring and the reason for my naming my new fairy "Autumn".
I hope you enjoy her!
Happy Creating Everyone!