I must apologize to you all for not having any recent art posted. Almost two weeks ago I started a new job and have been challenged with learning the position of book keeper. I have had some experience with book keeping but not nearly as much as this position requires. I am certain I can learn how to do everything, it will just take time. My brain is on overload so I do not have many creative juices flowing right now. I am enjoying the new position though and I like the challenge.
I have been slowly weening myself down on my antidepressants and have been experiencing some side effects, it has been about five weeks now. Beginning to experience some anxiety, although I have found that if I am busy (like with the new job) I don't get trapped in thinking about the side effects as much. If I continue to keep myself busy and my brain nourished with good supplements like vitamin D, fish oil, vitamin E and a multi vitamin maybe I will be okay. It may take me a long time to get off the medications, but I have a long time. I am willing to do it nice and slow so as to not experience so harsh of a withdrawal period. With God I can do all things! I am trusting in HIM.
For now I will post one of my favorite pieces of art for you to enjoy again!
Happy Creating Everyone! I hope all of you are doing well! I'm thinking about you.